Gundy miniblogs

  • Gundy

    Cmon 125 champs 50 skins, ehh :/

    • DavidsBle


    • mailija


    • Amorphis

    • RevSers

      Nice, pelnīti.

    • Gundy

      What? acc nav mans biggrin_mini2.gif

      • Gundy

        72 champs 54 skins :/

        • Try me

          Ļoti pievilcīgs pantiņš, man patīk.

        • DavidsBle

          Kaut es saprastu kas tur rakstīts. Drošvien kāds novēlējums.

          • Thzaarcow

            Runa iet par vilcienu kas dodas uz Auschwitz un prasa vai kāds grib braukt.

          • DavidsBle

            Tad jau jālec iekšā! Tur disnejlenda?

    • eclipzh

      Nesaprotu, kas tur tāds lai banotu permanently? (pirmais acc)

      • Gime+

        ++ pasaka taisnību nevis fleimo un paķer permu.

      • Hoyyx

        Jaunā sistēma ir automated sistēma.
        1)10 chat restricti
        2) 25 chat restricti
        3) 14 days
        4) perma ban
        Un var arī no pirmā soļa aiziet uz 3-4, ja ir konstatēts ļoti daudz reportu sakarā ar to hate speech, racist utt
        Un ja tev ir 14 days bans, tas nozimē, ka tev reāli 3 mēnešus iesaku neizmantot čatu, jo next ban būs perma. Bet par laimi ik pa 3 mēnešiem viens levels resetojas. Piemēram ja dabūji 14 days, un 3 mēnešus tevi nereportoja baigi, tad ja fleimosi pēc 3 mēnešiem tev atkal iedos 14 days nevis perma.

        • Alt Child

          Nu un kāpēc par chat sūdiem vajadzētu perma ? lai iedomājas uzlikt perma chat ban un visi dzīvos laimīgi

          • Ropresix

            Vne, es vspr riotam uzrakstiju lai man atņem tādu lietu kā čatu biggrin_mini2.gif

          • Hoyyx

            Jā bet tur jau bija šāda diskusija par chat ban.
            Riots it kā grib, lai vispār šie negatīvie spēlētāji pazūd no spēles.
            Jo pat ja būs chat bans, cilvēki tikuntā atradīs veidus kā izpausties negatīvi.
            @Ropresix neuztraucies es ar riotam uzrakstiju, lai man uzliek perma chat ban, neuzlika sad_mini.gif

    • StounerLV

      Tu to perma banu vari dabūt nost, uzraksti Riot atvainošanās vēstuli un tev liks uzkačāt 25 lvl acc bez flame un tā.

      • Hoyyx

        Kā tu domā, ja man uzlika perma banu accountam ap decembri, un ir pagājuši 4 mēneši, es varu šo bonusiņu dabūt?

      • sykerz

        Es uzrakstiju ljoti garu vestuli, par savu main acc. tur bija paskaidrots, ka nefleimoju, ja nefleimo mani, un ta vairak ir ka aizstaveshanas, savas cienjas jautajums. vestule bija diezgan gara un bonusa luxas zimejums, vel gaju galiga desperate mode un vestules beigas begged lai iedod vel vienu pedejo iespeju.




        I'm Moonsugar and I've taken a look at your account regarding your recent suspension for excessive toxicity. Thanks for taking the time to explain your perspective and your feelings about what's going on. I know it's difficult to lose an account, especially when you know that you're capable of doing better than that. You seem like a really cool person and I'm sad your account is permanently suspended. Even so, it doesn't change the actions this account is responsible for. I understand that others may be provocative or negative in their own right, but that never excuses responding to that negativity with more negativity. It's important to note that the system looks at each player and their behavior individually. Players contributing negatively to the game are tracked and punished, even if someone else started it or instigated it. We don't disclose details of other players' accounts, including potential disciplinary actions or investigations. Players may or may not be punished for the same game you were, but that's not to say we aren't aware of their behavior or are not addressing it appropriately.

        That log was chosen as your overall attitude towards others was pretty negative. A couple things caught my eye though:

        [3:39] **** (Riven): dont go
        [5:41] **** (Riven): such cancer
        [6:03] **** (Riven): project autism

        That's pretty antagonistic and totally unnecessary to say to someone. This is about more than a single game though, and it's about more than a couple comments. This account has received many previous warnings in the form of restrictions as well as a warning suspension for extreme and/or excessive negativity. Despite these warnings and opportunities for improvement the negativity on the account has persisted. As a result it has been issued a permanent suspension that we will not be reducing or removing.

        While I can't change this suspension for you, I really appreciate your drawing. Lux is the best champion in League of Legends and your drawing is super cute. I would encourage you to create a new account and focus on doing better there. Remember what she always says, "Stay Positive!"

        Player Behavior & Game Support
        ♡ Lunari Princess ♡

    • cutwings


    • Try me

      Paši vainīgi, ka neprotat fleimot ar mēru.

      • sykerz

        Vaina nav flame daudzuma, bet cik biezhi tevi reporto.

        • Gime+

          Un skatīsimies acīs patiesībai, spēlē soloq ar 4 citas tautas pārstāvjiem tu uzraksti chatā lai raksta angliski, tad tevi reporto un tu saņem chat restrict.

        • Amorphis

          This. Lai arī uz mana rēķina ir banoti acc, es esmu pamanījis, ka daudz reportus var noraut tikai dēļ tā, ka Tu kādam nepatīc vai arī dēļ premades/vienas tautas pārstāvjiem.

    • StounerLV

      Es nezinu man diezgan daudzi draugi ir dabujusi unbanu - uzrakstot to ka vini loti atvainojās par to ka bija toxic un Riot lika uzkačāt acc līdz 25 lvl bez reportiem un atgriež acc atpakaļ

      • sykerz

        Mosh vnk, jo es riven speleju neatbanoja

        • Amorphis

          Man tāda nojausma, ka tas ir bullshit. Arī daži ir teikuši, ka viņiem ir draugi un draugu draugi, kas tādā veidā ir dabūjuši unban, bet es nevienu tādu nepazīstu.

    • YEEZUS

      /mute team

    • Gundy

      Kadel tads rage :/ neviens no shiem nav mans acc, vnk skatijos kas noliktava...

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