crackhead miniblogs
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crackhead 28.04.2015. 20:27
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crackhead 16.10.2014. 22:58
Iz pasakas «@Brolaf mēģina apčakarēt dumjo latvju tautu»
(šī ir sarakste ar @Brolaf un Riot Support, viņš centās recoverot profilu, tikai es nesaprotu, kāpēc, ja acc bija uz viņa epasta un parole arī bija viņam zināma)
Oct 07 09:44
Hello can i get account recovery?
To be sure i cant loose my account
Oct 07 22:51
- Sesson 3
- Latvia Rīga
- Latvia
- I play from Lattelecom inernet and IP addres on lattelecom internet change every day
- Lattelecom
- Last access was yesterday i play some normal games
P.S My engish is bad.
Oct 08 05:46
- I creat account long time ago i dont remember champions
- i have only 4 refferals 2 accept invation link but dont creat summoner name and 2 creat account nick is Hey I am HODOR and Krapaals
- 5 friends in list i have Gooodnesss, Masiitc, RockTooth, klauns Nr1, and GoldHamsterLV
- In my family my brother have access to my account.
Oct 09 21:52
I use refaund but i dont remember what i refand
About gifting abut first gifting i dont remember but last i skins i get was Hearseeker Ashe, Ghost Bride Morgana and Rageborn Mundo but last skin i sent Annie in Wonderland, Glacial Olaf, Bad Santa Veigar.
Last bann i get is chat restrict
Sorry for bad english- 0
crackhead 16.10.2014. 23:13
Vissmieklīgākais ir tas, ka ar šo informāciju viņš tiešām recoveroja accountu. Es pat nelietoju Lattelecom internetu, nekad neesmu lietojis. xa.
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crackhead 29.08.2014. 19:55
Varbūt kāds ir ieinteresēts iegādāties gold 3 eune ar 25 skins, 87 champs, 6 runepages par simbolisku cenu (10eur)?
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crackhead 26.08.2014. 21:05
Kādam ir bijis tā, ka visa spēle notiek slow motion? visi champs kustas lēni, ik pa laikam visi champs kaut kur pēkšņi aizrifto.
mēģināju command prompt ievadīt komandu ''bcdedit /set {default} useplatformclock true'', bet rādīja, ka access denied, nevarēju arī run as administrator (1 konts datorā).
pls halp