Amorphis miniblogs

  • Amorphis

    We disabled ranked teams at the start of the season because we were unsure how match quality would be affected by the addition of dynamic queue. Now that we've limited high MMR players (Diamond 5+) to solo, duo, or trio queues, those players have no option to play ranked as a group of five. Even among the much larger population of players who fall below Diamond 5 (about 99% of all players), we've heard that people miss the ranked 5v5 queue. They miss the unique challenge of managing a consistent ranked team without the constraints of tier restrictions. Queue population issues prevent us from bringing back a permanent ranked fives queue, because we can’t guarantee reasonable queue times in off-peak hours. Instead of giving up on ranked fives, we want to try a potential solution: scheduled ranked 5v5 teams.
    Other than the fact that this queue will not be available 24/7, it'll function exactly like the old ranked 5v5 teams queue did. We're still evaluating exactly what time and days for each region make sense, so look for more info on this in the coming weeks.

    Iz -

    • Ropresix

      Slinkums lasīt, 5v5 atgriezīs?

      • Dievs

        Ķipa jā, bet būs pēc saraksta. Noteiktās dienās un noteiktos laikos būs iespējams spēlēt tikai.

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