Amorphis miniblogs

  • Amorphis

    Jautājums tiem, kuri lieto (Varbūt ne pretinieku izlūkošanai, bet tīri statistiski) Kā darbojās šīs te vietnes skill, jeb tā sauktie skillpoints? Jo es tā skatos, ka par dažu labu ar atsevišķiem čempioniem šie visi kda, minions per minute, gpm, utt. ir lielāki nekā dažam labam "topā". Vai tik tiešām šo skillpoints skaitu ietekmē tas, kurā divīzijā esi?

    • 4ufon str

      SkillScore tells how skilled a certain player is with a certain champion.
      The SkillScore is calculated based on many factors, including but not limited to the general skill level of a player, how experienced he is with a certain champion and how he has performed with that champion in past games.
      SkillScore is the sum of the following factors:

      XP (Experience Points): The XP reflect the general game knowledge and mechanics of a player. You can increase your XP by leveling up and by making progress in the Ranked SoloQueue.
      PP (Performance Points): The PP reflect how a player has performed with a certain champion in his past games. You can increase your PP by playing ranked games with a certain champion and pulling off a great performance (in relation to your average performance with that champion).
      CP (Champion Points): The CP reflect the knowledge and experience a player has with a certain champion. You can increase your CP by playing more ranked games with a certain champion. Your CP can never be higher than your PP.

      Note that SkillScore does not depend on winrate, the actual game performance matters.


    • Amorphis

      Tātad tava divīzija (facepalm).

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