Horohoro 01.11.2013. 13:50
promos to gold
Dievs 01.11.2013. 13:55
GeneralOrgazm 01.11.2013. 13:55
Brushie 01.11.2013. 14:15
Gl fag
Horohoro 28.10.2013. 19:24
PainFoinmr 28.10.2013. 19:26
Inb4 eune dies from cancer.
Horohoro 23.10.2013. 16:05
nopietni sitadu kropli nebano vel? vins noleavoja 12 minute kgan bijam prieksa pretiniekiem. ar iemeslu ''i cant play with this ''troll'' support''. tikai tapec ka pakasa torni un atdeva 2 killus. vayne spele gjau tada pati.
mjau 23.10.2013. 16:08
Ralf skype, need to discuss
zingikis 23.10.2013. 16:14
Wuts dis shet
dr0p? 23.10.2013. 16:34
Par normal gamiem banu dabūt nevar
Horohoro 11.10.2013. 20:41
Cookie 11.10.2013. 21:20
I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to feel after watching this..
zingikis 11.10.2013. 21:23
Putins best
SJohnson 12.10.2013. 01:20
Horohoro 12.10.2013. 15:59
Dievs 12.10.2013. 16:04
Ko es šeit nespēju saskatīt? :/
Brushie 12.10.2013. 16:04
Vins spele shaco tas ir so noob ko tur neredzet lol
Horohoro 09.10.2013. 22:36
Spam 09.10.2013. 23:03
Pure autism.
Horohoro 09.10.2013. 23:13
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