Sid Vicious miniblogs

  • Sid Vicious

    EUNE down vai kā?

    • Hidden driver

      Mhm, lcs nocrashoja

    • Sid Vicious

      Varbūt kāds zina kad būs serveris atpakaļ?

    • Amorphis

      Par actual tēmu...

      Let me preface this post by saying I'm not an expert on this subject matter. I do a lot of work with computers, but networking and security have never been my forte. If anything is wrong, please let me know and I'll do my best to correct it.
      Also remember that any other posts created about the servers will be removed.
      Q: Why are the servers having so much trouble?
      A: The servers themselves are not having trouble, and the issues are not related to Riot using any sort of old or bad hardware. Rather, the issues lie with the ISPs with which Riot peers, i.e., the series of tubes that will carry the information to and from the datacenter housing the servers.
      These ISPs getting hit with a type of DDoS attack targeted at Riot's datacenter by an annoying person with a botnet of computers (you can view it here apparently I'm wrong and it shows nothing useful).
      Q: WTF RITO, FIX UR SERVERS!!!1!11
      A: Well, their servers are not what's breaking; it's the internet connections owned by other companies, such as Verizon and Cogent for example. Their switches and routers (things that direct data in the right direction on the Internet) are getting overwhelmed and in some cases going down. They also might try and prevent the attack by disconnecting services to the datacenter. In either case, you get lose the ability to connect to the League of Legends servers.

    • Francesh

      Tak nav iespējams. Reāli, visi tagad ir smurfed
      Es ar akali vislaik spēlēju nu rezultāts labs, bet ar akali nevar sākt tos tīmfaigtus.
      Pretinieki kopā iet, bet mans tīms vienkārši nespēlē. Mums nav tanku nekā, es jau viens nevaru iznest visus piecu, ja ivņi iet kopā un fokusē uz manīm. psc.

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