Sonny miniblogs

  • Sonny

    Hmm par šito nemaz nezināju. biggrin_mini2.gif

    • Grey

      Represlv, you've spent about 560 hours on League of Legends which means 23 days of your life. You are 87118th on EUNE servers and 765500th in the world.

    • dr0p?

      Dr0pe, you've spent about 2965 hours on League of Legends which means 124 days of your life. You are 1585th on EUNE servers and 21284th in the world.

      • -Kk

        Acidkk, you've spent about 425 hours on League of Legends which means 18 days of your life. You are 97602th on eune servers and 848153th in the world.

        Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on LoL ?
        An average player has spent 1.003 hours on League of Legends. 1.157.217 players took the test. And you ?


        Proud to not be addictive.

    • Sonny

      Kā instalēt LoL uz Linux? Es cīnos jau 3 h, bet neko sakarīgu neesmu atradis sad_mini.gif

    • Sonny

      Kādas domas par Urgot top?

      • Mandariins

        Meh, nepatiiik

      • Sonny

        Vnk ieinteresēja šis te

      • Spam

        Ir ok, melee tankus aka Garen, Darius utt var uzvaret bez problemam. Early game vieniga problema ir gap-closeri, bet mid var notankot ar passive, late game atkal dmg falls off, bet ar ultu tapat var initiatot.

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