Riot Games has received a dispute filed against previous purchases made on your account. This dispute was filed by the financial institution associated with the payments made on the account, and as a result, Riot Games must refund the payments back to the financial institution (a "Chargeback").
The total amount of these Chargebacks is currently: 100 EUR
bļe jāiet šancēt ;d
Gundy miniblogs
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Gundy 02.08.2013. 12:43
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Gundy 31.07.2013. 21:24
Kā es varu izdzēsties no Exs LOL topa? vnk man ir tur kādi 2-3 banoti accounti
soon ill get them back
- 0
Gundy 31.07.2013. 16:46
Tiko stransferoju account no west uz nordic, kāds nevēlas iztašīt 10 ranked spēles lai tieku minimums silver 5?
- 0
Gundy 24.06.2013. 20:12
Tā es arī nesapratu šonedēļ, vai free to play bija jax vai lee sin, to vienu brīdi nerāda lee, to vienu brīdi jax disabled.?
- 0
Gundy 20.06.2013. 15:37
Update @ pbe, diezgan interesanti, ja šis update nonāks pārējos serveros, visi sāks ar dreivenu močīt. - 0
Gundy 20.06.2013. 13:09
Kuul smurf by me, ar lee puloju fidlam blue, ejot prom uzmetu q un nostīloju... aizeju uzreiz uz top un tur instantly mani izneš blitz ar taric, fck dis game ok loose, bet nē beidzu spēli ar 14/1/8 huehuehue