Dievs miniblogs

  • Dievs

    Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for your password when assisting you.
    [9:41] medo31: tnx
    is your smurf account
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: Yes.
    [9:42] medo31: not enymore
    tnx for account
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: 1st one on EUW tho.
    [9:42] medo31: tnx for account
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: np
    [9:42] medo31: you just give me access
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: of course.
    [9:42] medo31: only need generator to turn on
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: Yes, I know.
    [9:42] medo31: see formu kid
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: Okay.
    [9:42] medo31: youl see
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: This account is useless anyway
    [9:42] medo31: how easly youl be delted
    [9:42] Putnu Verotajs: 16 champs
    [9:42] medo31: dint vorry
    its not hard to find others from you
    [9:43] Putnu Verotajs: Actually it is
    [9:43] medo31: sinc league of legends shoes all ip
    [9:43] Putnu Verotajs: Because I play from different place
    And therefore have different IP
    [9:43] medo31: but your using same intetrnet
    [9:43] Putnu Verotajs: Nope.
    Different provider
    [9:43] medo31: sure sure
    in tioher planet
    [9:43] Putnu Verotajs: smile_mini.gif
    [9:43] medo31: il see your home
    [9:43] Putnu Verotajs: Why are you so mad?
    [9:43] medo31: youl see
    [9:44] Putnu Verotajs: Because I won you? biggrin_mini2.gif
    [9:44] medo31: jst wait need to see your whic provider you got
    so i cen get acces
    no you think you did
    that problem
    and becasue udry idiot pushed lane
    you can farm im not
    [9:44] Putnu Verotajs: Well but I won the game.
    [9:44] medo31: i could feezz lane
    [9:44] Putnu Verotajs: That's what matter, right?
    [9:44] medo31: no idiot
    i coukld frezz lane
    [9:44] Putnu Verotajs: You freeze lane, I go kill Ahri.
    [9:44] medo31: you couldnt farm
    we saw you
    i puted ping ward
    we saw you
    so pliss
    your not hard
    [9:45] Putnu Verotajs: Okay. biggrin_mini2.gif
    [9:45] medo31: since udry pushed lane no farm for mee no exp for mee
    [9:45] Putnu Verotajs: Lane was really easy tho.
    You should l2p
    [9:45] medo31: nigerr
    [9:45] Putnu Verotajs: xD
    [9:45] medo31: lets see
    [9:45] Putnu Verotajs: Let's not see.
    [9:46] medo31: i get 50 farm more then you
    becasue i frezz lane
    you cant gank
    becasue i puted pink wards
    your ussles then
    and unskilled to get out of situation
    [9:46] Putnu Verotajs: Okay okay.
    If you think so.
    [9:46] medo31: and btw late game
    your wuld be 0
    vs yorick
    [9:46] Putnu Verotajs: BTW, late game I would kill Ahri and Trist
    Not focus you
    [9:46] medo31: problem
    i got ulty
    problem you buy oracle
    [9:47] Putnu Verotajs: Well but you don't know which one will die.
    [9:47] medo31: problem i got slow
    you gor otacle got duble slow
    got rewiev
    you buy GA for tristana
    what will you do then
    [9:48] Putnu Verotajs: GA 5 min reuse
    [9:48] medo31: and
    you wil died
    you wait then 5 min
    put pink ward
    [9:48] Putnu Verotajs: KKK biggrin_mini2.gif
    I don't care, really.
    Little kid.
    [9:48] medo31: you sould
    [9:48] Putnu Verotajs: You have 500+ games and not even gold yet.
    [9:48] medo31: i just show you how easly is to delet you
    [9:48] Putnu Verotajs: Such a scrub.
    [9:48] medo31: nah
    i dont play lol
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: 500+ ranked games.
    [9:49] medo31: i make programs to destroy ther games
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: 500+
    500 +
    [9:49] medo31: like yours
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: haha biggrin_mini2.gif
    I don't mind.
    [9:49] medo31: your niger for mee
    stupid low nigerr
    go 1 vs 1
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: okay.
    [9:49] medo31: take your idiot rangar
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: No time for that. biggrin_mini2.gif
    [9:49] medo31: aa idiot
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: xD
    [9:49] medo31: metnal idiot
    [9:49] Putnu Verotajs: Okay okay.
    [9:49] medo31: are you stupid or what nigerr
    are you stupidf
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: Atleast start typing properly.
    [9:50] medo31: aa ******* black pshyo nigerr
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: Yes, I'm stupid. biggrin_mini2.gif
    [9:50] medo31: aa
    psyho idiot
    wana come to your hous
    to shoot you mom
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: Yes com tu mi hose
    [9:50] medo31: so you will cry
    ******* idiot
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: I hose you me god fight me fight yo
    [9:50] medo31: to shoot your mam
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: yo wat me win you no l2p
    [9:50] medo31: i come
    i shoot you mom
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: y u so nob u can no rengar
    [9:50] medo31: so you will cry
    [9:50] Putnu Verotajs: u no l2p yorick
    [9:50] medo31: you iwll cry
    belive mee
    sooner or later
    you will cry
    [9:51] Putnu Verotajs: ofcorse
    [9:51] medo31: becasue your momy will die
    [9:51] Putnu Verotajs: that's normal for people.
    [9:51] medo31: you willl
    dont worry
    [9:51] Putnu Verotajs: It might be after 10 years or more, but ofcourse I will cry.
    [9:51] medo31: you fucked wrong guy today
    will chenge this 10 years to some days
    so i can give you some expectation
    stil smart
    you really need a lesson
    nah kid
    your not even close
    what i can do
    you can pla games
    but you cant make programs
    your worthles to planet
    your mom dad die
    you will have 0 money
    thats you
    [9:54] : dont worry i got programs that do for mee
    i got money and you
    [9:57] : hahaha
    cant kill jax you metnal idiot
    reatrded idiot
    [10:01] : i dont think soo idiot
    after botrk you can leav game low
    owned niger rowned by leblanc iidiot
    [10:04] : if you dint see
    [10:06] : your 2 low to kill solo jax by so many goold
    and your caloling yourslef gooodd hahahahahahahaha
    your ussles vs jax
    even with 3x q you cant
    [10:08] : stll cant kill solo jax

    tl;dr viņš man draud atņemt acc un viņš pat specoja manu game un nodirsa.

    P.S. Es pats tur arī uzvedos neadekvāti, jo vēlējos nedaudz vairāk pasmieties.


    EDIT: Ieliku šo šeit tapēc, varbūt kādam liksies smieklīgi palasīt. Man bija smieklīgi, pirmo reizi kāds šitā man. xD

    • NoTitsNoFun


    • e35

      DuoQojot ar Bcaz arī dažreiz gadās pērles.

    • Perseven

      [9:51] medo31: you fucked wrong guy today
      LOL biggrin_mini2.gif

    • Anarhists

      Lai iemācītos angļu valodu normālā līmenī nav nepieciešams spožākais prāts, bet šis čalītis... ak vai...

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