e35 30.10.2012. 16:32
2k elo pro duoteam BetfBcaz lūkojas pēc 3. komandas biedra priekš 3x3 rankeds.
Brushie 30.10.2012. 16:33
Bcaz carry btw
Horohoro 30.10.2012. 16:34
Tak man rit unban, paga.
Brushie 30.10.2012. 16:36
A mums sodienai vajag vienu fagletu
e35 26.10.2012. 23:31
200 ranked win
mjau 26.10.2012. 23:33
Hahahahaahaha nice farm uninstall scrub l0l
e35 26.10.2012. 23:34
Es early kills ņēmu, tapēc man arī nevajadzēja farmoties.
mjau 26.10.2012. 23:39
Srsly though, kādēļ buildot aegis pirms hog?
e35 20.10.2012. 14:52
Bcaz nemāk spēlēt, fīdo un vislaik zog killus, elo hell buns, tpc ari ir 500elo!!! Starpcitu, ko buildā uzlabot, Soan OP!! )))
Brushie 20.10.2012. 14:53
Betf loxxxx
Horohoro 20.10.2012. 14:53
Noperc kipa to item
Kipa to
e35 18.10.2012. 05:18
e35 10.10.2012. 04:46
https://euw.leagueoflegends.com/news/playoff-...le-ip-oct-20-21 Lul, gj, riot.
Brushie 10.10.2012. 07:13
Labāk būtu RP devuši.
exers 10.10.2012. 13:01
Pag... ko tieshi vinji izmainija?
e35 09.10.2012. 21:02
Anyone normal games, west?
Horohoro 09.10.2012. 21:03
War jaw
Brushie 09.10.2012. 21:03
Robii 09.10.2012. 21:03
I would like to,but my pc which contains the game is not avalaible at the moment. so i think i will play tomorrow
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