Greetings, Summoners

Welcome to Patch 6.4, the one where Warlord’s Bloodlust is useful.

“But I love healing in combat!” you might say.

To which we’d respond, “Just wait til’ you get a load of it on Olaf!” We’d then ask why you’re talking to your computer (or mobile phone), but there’d be no response because we’re all just figments of each each other’s imagination.

As you ascend the mountain of context beneath this foreword, you might notice some champions like Ryze and Kog’Maw receiving buffs or nerfs despite having just gotten theopposite the patch before. What gives? Why not just revert the changes?

If our goal was only to make champions stronger or weaker, reverts (or partial reverts, like Zed’s changes in 6.3) are a reasonable approach. However, when we take on balance work for a champion, the changes that make it to the patch notes often have more than one goal in mind. For example, if our goal was ‘make X champion stronger and healthier’ but the character became stronger and more frustrating, we’d prefer to solve the newly-created frustration than simply reverting everything. For us, game balance is an ongoing journey – meaning that at any given moment, you may be seeing a snapshot of an ongoing, iterative investigation.

So what snapshots do we have today? We’ve got heaps of changes to individual marksmen, some nerfs to top-tier pro play outliers, and a holistic reduction of movement speed. Zooming around the rift is cool and all, but the abundance of bonus movement speed is skewing the early game into a sonic-speed arms-race of who can stack it more, faster. We’ll continue to monitor the game’s mobility creep over the next few patches, but this is our first push toward solving what could become a larger problem.

And that’s it for us! Check out all of the patch note goodness below, and we’ll see you on the Rift, taking Warlord’s Bloodlust on every champion and living like a true viking.




Champion Changes


Ahri Final Portrait


Nerf BoxCharmCharm [ E ]

  • The charm CC will no longer cancel dashes cast before the spell hit.




Ashe Final Portrait



Buff BoxRangers Focus Final IconRanger’s Focus [ Q ]

  • Stack duration increased from 4 seconds to 5;
  • Focus stacks no longer disappear immediately after 4 seconds of not attacking; instead, they disappear at a rate of 1-per-second.



Caitlyn Final Portrait


Change BoxYordle Snap Trap Final IconYordle Snap Trap [ W ]

  • Bonus damage on Headshot decreased from 10/20/30/40/50% [+0.6 AD ] to a flat 25/50/75/100/125 [+0.8 AD].


Buff Box90 Caliber Net Final Icon90-Caliber Net [ E ]

  • Cooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12/10 seconds to 16/14.5/13/11.5/10.




Ezreal Final Portrait


Nerf BoxTrueshot Barrage Final IconTrueshot Barrage [ R ]

  • Cooldown increased from 80 seconds at all ranks to 120.




Fiora Final Champion Portrait


Nerf BoxRiposte Final IconRiposte [ W ]

  • Cooldown increased from 19/18/17/16/15 seconds to 24/22/20/18/16.



Change BoxBladework Final IconBladework [ E ]

  • Cooldown decreased from 15/13/11/9/7 seconds to 13/11/9/7/5;
  • Cooldown now begins when either the two auto attacks hit or when the buff expires (CD begins immediately when [ E ] is cast on live).




Gangplank Final Champion Portrait


Nerf BoxParrrley Final IconParrrley [ Q ]

  • Bonus Gold on kill decreased from 4/5/6/7/8 to 2/3/4/5/6 [Silver Serpents number is still the same].


Change BoxPowder Keg Final IconPowder Keg [ E ]

  • Cooldown per charge changed from 18/17/16/15/14 seconds to 20/18/16/14/12;
  • Maximum number of kegs changed from 2/3/4/5 [upgraded with ranks in R] to 3 at all ranks.


Change BoxCannon Barrage Final IconCannon Barrage [ R ]

  • No longer passively increases the maximum number of Powder Kegs that can be stored;




Jhin Final Portrait


  • Base Armor increased from 20 to 22;
  • Base Movement Speed increased from 325 to 330;
  • Health regen per second increased from 1.1 [+0.1 per level] to 1.2 [+0.11 per level].




Katarina Final Portrait


Buff BoxBouncing Blades Final IconBouncing Blade [ Q ]

  • AP ratio on mark increased from 0.15 to 0.2;
  • Bounces now deal full damage (10% damage dropout per bounce on live).



Kogmaw Final Portrait


  • Base Attack Speed decreased from 0.665 to 0.567



Lucian Final Portrait


Nerf BoxThe Culling Final IconThe Culling [ R ]

  • Range decreased from 1400 to 1200.




Malphite Final Portrait


  • Health regen per second decreased from 1.7 to 1.4.


Nerf BoxGround Slam Final IconGround Slam [ E ]

  • Base damage decreased from 60/100/140/180/220 to 60/95/130/165/200.




Rumble Final Portrait


Change BoxElectro-HarpoonElectro Harpoon [ E ]

  • Now uses an ammo system, with a recharge cooldown of 5 seconds (10 second cooldown on live);
  • Heat per harpoon used decreased from 20 to 10;
  • Slow duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2.



Ryze Final Portrait


Buff BoxOverload Final IconOverload [ Q ]

  • Base damage increased from 60/85/110/135/160 to 60/95/130/165/200.




Sivir Final Champion Portrait


Buff BoxRicochet Final IconRicochet [ W ]

  • Bounces can now crit with no penalties (base damage is still 50% of the original attack), but only if the original hit crits.




Shen Final Portrait


Buff BoxShadow Dash Final IconShadow Dash [ E ]

  • Can now taunt jungle monsters.




Shyvana Final Portrait


Quality of Life Box FinalFlame_BreathFlame Breath [ E ]

  • Tooltip Fix: Now states that the duration of the % HP on-hit buff lasts 5 seconds.




Udyr Final Portrait


Nerf BoxTurtle_StanceTurtle Stance [ W ]

  • Base shield strength decreased from 60/100/140/180/220 to 60/95/130/165/200.



Nerf BoxPhoenix_StancePhoenix Stance [ R ]

  • Base damage on third-hit passive proc decreased from 40/80/120/160/200 to 40/75/110/145/180.




Viktor Final Portrait


Nerf BoxDeath Ray Final IconDeath Ray [ E ]

  • Base damage decreased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 70/110/150/190/230;
  • Augment: Aftershock – Explosion damage decreased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 70/110/150/190/230.



Xin Zhao Final Portrait


Nerf BoxBattle Cry Final IconBattle Cry [ W ]

  • Attack Speed bonus on active decreased from 40/50/60/70/80% to 40/45/50/55/60%;
  • AP ratio on heal decreased from 0.7 to 0.4.



Item Changes


Nerf BoxBoots of Swiftness Final IconBoots of Swiftness

  • Bonus Movement Speed decreased from 65 to 60.



Buff BoxManamune Final PortraitManamune

  • Now additionally increases your mana pool by 1 every 8 seconds.



Buff BoxMercury Threads Final IconMercury’s Threads

  • Tenacity value increased from 20% to 30%.



Nerf BoxMuramanaMuramana

  • Active can no longer be activated if you have less than 20% of your maximum mana;
  • Active is now always on; it’s no longer a toggle. The active won’t trigger on minions, only enemy champions and monsters.


Nerf BoxMagus Enchantment Final IconRunic Echoes

  • Movement Speed decreased from 10% to 7%.



Nerf BoxSteraks Gage Final IconSterak’s Gage

  • Health granted decreased from 500 to 400;
  • Recipe now requires a Long Sword instead of a Ruby Crystal (recipe cost decreased by 50 Gold to compensate).





New Item BoxWarlords Bloodlust Final IconWarlord’s Bloodlust [ Keystone in Ferocity ]

  • Rework: Gain increasingly more Life Steal based on your missing health against Champions (up to 20% LS). Against minions gain 50% benefit.


Buff BoxExpose Weakness Final IconExpose Weakness [ New Tier 2 Ferocity ]

  • Damaging enemy Champions causes them to take 3% more damage from your allies.





Blood Moon Kennen will be available in store for 975 RP.


Kennen_Splash_Centered_6 KennenLoadScreen_6


MODEL Banner

Blood Moon Kennen Model 1 Blood Moon Kennen Model 2


Recall Banner

Blood Moon Kennen Recall 1 Blood Moon Kennen Recall 2



Blood Moon Kennen Q 1 Blood Moon Kennen Q 2



Blood Moon Kennen W 1 Blood Moon Kennen W 2



Blood Moon Kennen E 1



Blood Moon Kennen R 1 Blood Moon Kennen R 2




Blood Moon Yasuo will be available in store for 975 RP.




MODEL Banner

Blood Moon Yasuo Model 1 Blood Moon Yasuo Model 2


Recall Banner

Blood Moon Yasuo Recall 1 Blood Moon Yasuo Recall 2




Blood Moon Yasuo Passive 1 Blood Moon Yasuo Passive 2



Blood Moon Yasuo Q 1 Blood Moon Yasuo Q 4



Blood Moon Yasuo W 1 Blood Moon Yasuo W 2



Blood Moon Yasuo E 1 Blood Moon Yasuo E 2



Blood Moon Yasuo R 1 Blood Moon Yasuo R 2



New Summoner Icons

No idea how you can get these yet, but it will likely involve your wallet.


profileIcon1108 profileIcon1107 profileIcon1109




DianaLeona and Pantheon have all received updated in-client lore entries:


Diana Final Portrait

”I am the light coursing in the soul of the moon.”

Bearing her crescent moonblade, Diana fights as a warrior of the Lunari, a faith all but quashed in the lands around Mount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, she is a living embodiment of the silver moon’s power. Imbued with the essence of an Aspect from beyond Targon’s towering summit, Diana is no longer wholly human, and struggles to divine herpower and purpose in this world.


Leona Final Portrait

”If you would shine like a sun, first you must burn like one.”

Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a warrior templar of the Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial Aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some, death to others.


Pantheon Final Portrait

”Bring forth one true champion, or a hundred more like you, and then we shall have a battle that will be spoken of until the end of time.”

The peerless warrior known as Pantheon is a nigh-unstoppable paragon of battle. He was born among the Rakkor, a warlike people living on the flanks of Mount Targon, and after climbing the mountain’s treacherous peak and being deemed worthy, he was chosen to become the earthly incarnation of the celestial Aspect of War. Imbued with inhuman power, he relentlessly seeks the enemies of Targon, leaving only corpses in his wake.




Over the last few patches, we’ve seen a high-level strategy emerge where teams step in front of the first wave of minions near their inhibitors to control their pacing towards lane. While minion wave manipulation is a key point of mastery in the laning phase, successful execution of this tactic causes such an extreme advantage from the start that there’s only one course of action – do it yourself, or fall behind.

This would mean the ‘optimal’ start in League is one where both teams start games inside their base, herding minions like hooded, gold-generating cats. As cute as that imagery is, the gameplay associated isn’t – so we’re removing it.

[ WORK WORK ] The first wave of minions ignore unit collision on the way to lane




We enabled the champ grid at all phases of champ select so it’s easier to think through prospective team comps and bans.

Shipping with patch 6.4

[ FOR YOUR PERUSAL ] The champ grid is now accessible at all phases of champ select
[ THIS FITS BETTERY ] ou can now change your pick intent at all phases prior to your final pick
[ REMASTERED ] Fixed a bug where changing the name of a mastery page during champ select would not update the page’s name in the drop down menu. (Masteries themselves were always updating properly.)

Also, a few of the improvements to New Champ Select mentioned in 6.3 took longer to get out of the gate than anticipated. We’re copying them here as a reminder for what you should expect lastthis patch.

Shipping during the 6.4 cycle

[ SECRET STRATS ] Pick intent is no longer revealed to the enemy team when it’s your turn to pick
[ NOT AS SECRET STRATS ] Bans now appear in Match History for games played in NCS queues
[ GET BUFF(ERED) ] New champ select should feel more forgiving when locking in picks and bans with less than a second to spare
[ YOUR FAVORITE OUTFIT ] New champ select now defaults to your last selected skin on a given champion.




  • Poppy’s R – Keeper’s Verdict no longer deals damage twice to epic monsters when fully charged
  • Fixed a bug where Kindred wouldn’t gain a stack of P – Mark of the Kindred if a targeted jungle monster was killed too far away from its spawn point
  • Fixed a framerate issue that occurred when an enemy Challenger Nidalle entered vision
  • The eagle screech in Statue of Karthus’s dance audio is no longer global for allies


Avots -

Laboja Amorphis, labots 3x