zingikis 20.10.2013. 23:26
Tristana useless piece of shit champ, discuss
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:27 #
Teemo - fucking op no-skill-required, plant-2-win champ, discuss
Garen - fucking op no-skill-required spin2win champ, discuss
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:28 #
Master Yi - fucking op no-skill-required right-click-2-win champ, discuss
Bloodless. 20.10.2013. 23:29 #
Tu vnk nemaki tristanu
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:29 #
Jinx - fucking op some-skill-required 1337-mode-2-win champ, discuss
Arthles :> 20.10.2013. 23:31 #
Sadams atkal pa daudz sableizojis.
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:32 #
Knevil - fucking retarded no-karma-required post-2-win user, discuss
Arthles :> 20.10.2013. 23:35 #
K , skaidrs , galīga dirsā tev galva šovakar
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:37 #
Es varu saderēt, ka Tu pat necilā.
Arthles :> 20.10.2013. 23:39 #
Un tu cilā , pls :-D
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:40 #
Runa nav par mani.
Mandariins 20.10.2013. 23:36 #
Tristana op lategame range 2shot carry - icrievirtym
*SJohnson 20.10.2013. 23:38 #
Lol surrender @20
Rudito.Ftw 21.10.2013. 00:03 #
Tristana ļoti labs carry.
Mahjarrat 21.10.2013. 16:01 #
Tristana provided me with penta. All is good.
PainFoinmr 21.10.2013. 16:06 #
Arī AP Tristana ir laba.
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