Thou shall always blame the jungler, even if he ganked thy lane, still blame him.
Thou shall never ward, because you are not a support, only the support should ward. Your Trinity Force is far more important.
Thou shall always pick troll summoners if you do not get your role, because you are the best mid in elo hell and you should not have to dodge because of other people not respecting you.
Thou shall always blame elo hell on losing a game. 13/0 or 0/13, elo hell is why you lost.
Thou shall never play support, because playing support does not win games, mid does.
Thou shall never call mia or help other lanes, because it is a waste of time and you can potentially miss 1-3 cs, that's 2 health potions!
Thou shall always rage at teammates, because they suck at this game and they deserve it. You are right, and they are wrong, they don't deserve honor, they deserve reports.
Thou shall always pick at least ONE person on your team to report and tell others to report. Even if they are carrying you, you must /all REPORT ____, because you don't want to play with them anymore, and they are a waste of megabytes.
Thou shall blame the support if you facecheck a bush and die because it was not warded, because every bush must be warded. Why would the support want you, the one who is carrying this game, to die? ZZZZ ELO HELL FK SUX.
Last but not least, thou shall always use the philosophy "see a hero, kill a hero", because you're greedy. Even if you have no vision of the enemy team, seek and destroy.