No tribunāla.. cik gan zemu cilvēki var krist?
Talon [All][00:01:35] :ahahah
Veigar[00:02:40] :mundo go solo
Dr. Mundo[00:04:14] :low
Veigar[00:04:23] :me?
Dr. Mundo[00:04:26] :yea
Veigar[00:04:31] :what about you?
Diana[00:05:08] :mundo ss?
Diana[00:05:24] :speak!!
Dr. Mundo[00:05:37] :suck
Diana[00:05:56] :i believe u are pro..
Dr. Mundo[00:06:29] :ss
Dr. Mundo[00:06:45] :ss
Volibear [All][00:08:40] :3 in top?!
Veigar [All][00:08:49] :ye problem?
Volibear [All][00:08:56] :yes
Dr. Mundo[00:10:56] :veigar whats a noob
Dr. Mundo[00 09] :whats a noob team
Veigar[00 18] :its what madafaka
Veigar[00 37] :mundo
Veigar [All][00:13:24] :report mundo he says bad things about my mother
Veigar [All][00:13:33] :he says she will die by cancer
Talon [All][00:13:34] :i will
Veigar [All][00:13:38] :ty
Veigar [All][00:13:40] :
Talon [All][00:13:44] :ban 1 day
Veigar [All][00:13:48] :ty
Talon [All][00:13:52] :np
Veigar [All][00:14:16] :oh my god he speaks too bad
Talon [All][00:14:51] :just block him and my team will report him
Veigar [All][00:14:56] :tell him to stop plz...i cant stand this anymore
Veigar [All][00:15:01] :ok
Veigar [All][00:15:06] :ty and sorry
Talon [All][00:15:11] :np
Vayne [All][00:15:26] :ignore him
Veigar [All][00:15:33] :yeah i will )
Veigar [All][00:15:36] :
Talon [All][00:15:51] :i think hes from greece
Veigar [All][00:16:26] :why you say that?
Talon [All][00:16:50] :kids from greece only talking about mothers
Diana [All][00:17:09] ont say about greeks we are greek stoo
Veigar [All][00:17:22] :no we are not
Vayne [All][00:17:26] :but u' re not kids
Talon [All][00:17:33] :Hmm 90 %
Veigar[00:17:35] :u mad mundo?
Veigar[00:17:40] :MADAFAKA MUNDO?
Talon [All][00:17:42] :10% is good guys
Veigar[00:17:43] :IT HURTS?
Veigar[00:17:45] :HUH?
Veigar [All][00:18:17] from a good mother died early...thats why mundo says bad things about her..
Veigar[00:18:21] :MADAFAKAAAA
Talon [All][00:18:34] :his just a kid..
Veigar [All][00:18:40] :ye...
Dr. Mundo[00:18:57] :fantasy boy
Veigar [All][00:19:22] :leave my alone...:'(
Talon [All][00:19:29] : D
Vayne [All][00:19:35] :;*
Talon [All][00:19:44] :gg
Volibear [All][00:19:44] :bg
Veigar [All][00:19:46] :report plz
tl;dr veigars saka ienaidniekiem lai reporto mundo, jo viņš it kā esot apvainojis veigara māti teamchatā, ko mundo nedarīja, viss pretinieku team reporto mundo. Mundo gan arī ragekid, bet tomēr tas ir nožēlojami ko veigars darīja.
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mjau 04.10.2012. 19:12
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