Horohoro miniblogs

  • Horohoro


    ''even worse: free week Volibear tossing free week Kennen into the middle of your team. Kennen tries to lighting rush away, failing miserably; at 100hp from death, he remembers he has ult, and wastes the cooldown. Meanwhile, free week Malphite ults Volibear, free week Leona ults Malphite, and free week Katarina shumpoes directly under Leona's ult and starts channeling her ult, that gets imediatly cancelled. Meanwhile free week Ahri and free week Graves miss charm, orb, buckshot and collateral damage on each other, while free week Teemo watched from stealth a few feets away. Free week Yi starts channeling meditate at full hp just in case, and free week Taric decides to heal him, again just in case...''

    • omlete112

      Loal, nav tik traki biggrin_mini2.gif

    • roltons12

      Es esmu free week graves. smile_mini.gif

    • PainFoinmr

      Līdz šim, visi Volibear ar kuriem esmu spēlējis ir bijuši ļoti labi.

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