Itkā Arnys miniblogs

  • Itkā Arnys

    Gnar apēdīs jūs visus smile_mini.gif (ceru ka pareizi tā jaunā cempja vārdu uzrakstīju). šitas mazais ledus laikmenta monstriņš, sanāk ka būs kā 4tā "tauta" iekš līgas.?


    A new "Tantrum" texture for the resource bar ( where you normally see Energy, Mana, or even Mordekaiser's shied ) was added in today's patch.



    There are three different colors - Empty, Blue (calm ) , Red ( active ) , and Yellow ( warning ) . They are not hooked up or used in game and there are no other details. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...

    un ja gribās teikt ko riebīgu, tad mana atbilde


    • -HaX-

      Rammusam vienalga. Viņš ripo un saka O.K.

      • Mandariins

        Dravens veljoprojām vicina axes

Atpakaļ Uz augšu

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