Kāds tagad ir izspēlējis rankedu.? ganjau ir vnk, nesaprotu, tas resets vēl nav bijis, ja.?
Itkā Arnys miniblogs
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Itkā Arnys 15.01.2014. 17:25
- -1
Tu Patch notes lasīt māki?
The 2014 ranked season reset will take place within the next few days. We’ll have a full list of changes in the patch notes when it happens. - 0
Nav bijis resets.
We’re resetting the ladder for the 2014 Season soon. It’s a fresh start to the new season and players are already gearing up for the fight to the top. We’ve introduced many changes to League of Legends in time for the 2014 Season and every one of them is aimed at accomplishing one goal.
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