Jocinsh miniblogs

  • Jocinsh

    Pimpixs parādīja interesantu lietu.
    Cik jūs dienas no savas dzīves esiet iztērējuši lolītē?

    you've spent about 1437 hours on League of Legends which means 60 days of your life.
    You are 71853th on EUNE servers and 777395th in the world.

    • Dievs

      Kn1gth0fzer0, you've spent about 1640 hours on League of Legends which means 68 days of your life. Such a nolifere!

    • Anarhists

      Man nav jāskatās, lai pateiktu, ka krietni vairāk kā vajadzētu.

    • Miķelis

      Suurais, you've spent about 890 hours on League of Legends which means 37 days of your life.
      You are 141442th on EUNE servers and 1484155th in the world.

    • n1kon

      N1konlv, you've spent about 1134 hours on League of Legends which means 47 days of your life.
      You are 107164th on EUNE servers and 1139058th in the world.

      • n1kon

        Tormazins, you've spent about 450 hours on League of Legends which means 19 days of your life.
        You are 41219th on OCE servers and 2180288th in the world.

    • e35

      Betfery, you've spent about 1013 hours on League of Legends which means 42 days of your life.

    • HeavenMonster

      Heavenmonster, you've spent about 2428 hours on League of Legends which means 101 days of your life.

    • Oposite

      Flatbutter, you've spent about 1699 hours on League of Legends which means 71 days of your life.
      You are 191468th on EUW servers and 537519th in the world.

    • Wonders

      RU acc ar kuru sakuma visu laiku speleju bija 33 dienas online. Ar parejiem skaitit kopa negribas biggrin_mini2.gif

    • Mandariins

      5k stundas , 206 dienas , no tableta nevaru iekopeet bljinss

      • mjau

        Nkrz, you've spent about 2071 hours on League of Legends which means 86 days of your life.
        You are 26404th on EUNE servers and 300903th in the world.

      • SkyFire

        Skyfire1999, you've spent about 1658 hours on League of Legends which means 69 days of your life.
        You are 52133th on eune servers and 570871th in the world.

      • Amorphis

        Amorphis, you've spent about 3051 hours on League of Legends which means 127 days of your life.
        You are 4628th on EUNE servers and 55662th in the world.

      • YEEZUS

        You've spent about 341 hours on League of Legends which means 14 days of your life

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