vampire miniblogs

  • vampire

    Zelta vardi
    ELO HELL OPINION: It doesn't exist. There are 10 players in every league game, 5 on each team. You are 1 of the players on your team. Therefore, there are 9 players you cannot control. 4 on your team, 5 on the other. AKA, if there is a troll in the game there is a 44% chance he is on your team, but a 55% chance he is on the other. If you yourself are never the cause of a loss, overtime you should win much more than you lose and your ELO will continue to rise. If someone on your team is just that bad, you shouldn't care too much and just move on to the next game because chances are the next troll that is in one of your games is going to be on the other team.

    • Le Mambo.

      Turpini tik aprēķināt procentus, bet machmaking sistēma ir diezgan random, tas nozīmē, ka tev ir random iespēja dabūt troļļus savā komandā, tu nevari paradzēt cik ilgi var iet tas - random streak.

      • Horohoro

        Nja, sodien man bija tas gods 2 reizes pec kartas piedzivot spawn afkeru :/

    • vampire

      Nē. procenti ir un paliek, Pat randomam ir noteikta iespejamiba,
      Nav random iespeja, ir noteikta iespeja, 44%.
      Un statistiski pretiniekos trollis bus biezhak nekaa tava.
      Ja tev ir vairak lost nekaa won, ja tev ir apmeram 100 won, un nezinu 150 lost, tad ta ir tava vaina ka tu esi taja elo.


      Es vispar nesaprotu ko visi cepjas par trolliem.

      Man vispar, tik maz speles bija isti trollji, man gandriz visu laiku tagad gan lobbija ir normali cilveki, un ari spelee diezgan labi uzvedas. labi ja no manam 80 ranked spelem, 5 ir bijushi kkadi trolli, un kadas 10+ pretiniekos ir bijushi trollji.

    • Niggah

      Nu es tomēr netaisos spēlēt entos rankedus ar šādu cerību, ka beidzot trollis būs enemy team.

    • enemyss999

      Neesmu nekad ticējis un neticēšu kaut kādām loweru atmaskām dēļ tā, ka spēlē 1200elo līmenī

      • mjau

        1200 Elo šeit gandrīz visiem ir nesasniedzams mlg līmeņa mērķis biggrin_mini2.gif

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