latvija18 miniblogs

  • latvija18

    Šis būs interesanti...

    The zone control marksmen (traps are on a charge system now)
    New play feel with headshot combos (trap and E trigger a guaranteed headshot on the target)
    Miss Fortune

    The wombo combo marksmen (ult scaling way better, can crit)
    New play feel with impure shots replaced with "love tap" new passive that gives bonus damage when swapping targets (this works well with Q)

    The true glass cannon hyper carry (tons of dmg needs protection)
    W now doubles ALL attack speed and allows him to break the attack speed cap (but ad is lowered to 60%)

    Magic damage marksmen -> passive now does big magic damage instead of true and all spells now do magic damage
    New mechanic: Special Delivery -> every ~5m in the game corki gets a special set of bombs in his base that allow him to cast a super mega W with much bigger range and impact

    The map mobility/roaming marksmen
    R reworked as a utility focused spell -> 0 cooldown and gives quinn crazy out of combat speed to quickly move around the map, not used for assassination anymore

    We finally made his shotgun a shotgun -> up close burst damage marksmen
    Basic attacks fire multiple buckshots in a cone -> more damage up close
    Q reworked to synergize better with the new basic attacks


    • Mandariins


      • latvija18

        5.0 as kog maw ar W, ja pareizi sapratu

        Mf ult crit/ target switching bonuses

        Graves basic( splash dmg ja pareizi sapratu)
        Face Q more dmg

        quin kā nidalle var transform visu laiku as valor 0 cdr

        corki: Vel pats mēģinu saprast..

        • latvija18

          Idk, ceru, ka saprati ko es tur samurgoju..

          • Mandariins

            Neko nesapratu

          • Artūrs :D

            Caitlyn vairāk focused uz trapiem/control.
            Graves vairāk tas *SHOTGUN* efekts (vairāk dmg close range arii ar basics. un Q rework) MF vairāk focused uz ultu (kr4 OP) QUINN roaming mobility wave clearer. Corki darīs vairāk magic dmg (arī pasīvais) kr4 daudz info, noskaties šeit

    • Amorphis

      Last Whisper is now a component item. It builds into new things.
      There's something called Giant Slayer. It hurts health dudes.

      Rito plz, I can jizz only so many times...

    • Artūrs :D

      Leģendu līga virzās pareizajā virzienā. Katram chempim izteiktāks playstyle

    • slyer66

      Vieniga velme uz jauno sezonu, lai rito aizvaac teleportu savadak adc hujova spelet. Par parejo pofig, izmainas padara visu interesantaku.

    • Gime+

      Izskatās slimi, jāgaida kad iemetīs info par visiem itemiem

    • Gundy

      Man galvenais kad buus harrowing legacy sale n shit sum1 knuws?

      • Artūrs :D

        Ko īsti tu ar tiem skiniem dari? biggrin_mini2.gif

    • Artūrs :D


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