Gek miniblogs

  • Gek

    Mācos jaunus čempionus iekš ranked. Centīšos nespēlēt tos čempionus, kurus uzskatu, ka māku, vispār. Šobrīd esmu atklājis Jarvan IV kā kko interesantu.

    • Horohoro

      Try ahri

      • Gek

        Es mācīšos tos čempionus, ko esmu sapircis, bet neesmu tā arī iemācījies. Piemēram, Elise, Jarvan, Vayne u.c. IP šobrīd uz runes patērēšu

        • Horohoro

          Ņī, elise got nerfs sad_mini.gif un imo bus vel nerfi, te nu will see.
          gl esmu spelejis pret 2k elo vayni kurs nezkpc bija queued pret mani normal game. dem jukes. viens no most rewarding champs to master imo

    • Le Mambo.

      Varbūt rīt vēlies duoq? Atm kautko tādu mēģinu darīt. Gold V.

      • Gek

        Nez. nezinu īsti, kad spēlēšu un cikos

    • Brushie

      Topsolo vayne hf faget
      solotop ap bruiser taric hf faget
      revive/tp nasus hf faget (šitas kinda good @late)
      iemet skrīnus ar saviem champs

    • Gek

      Gribu izmēģināt:
      taric solotop
      karma mid

      • Brushie

        Btw, next patch solotop ap bruiser taric būs ļoti op, jo viņam w scalosies no armor blum_mini.gif

        • Le Mambo.

          Iedod next patchnotes pls.

          • Brushie

            Pag, biš redditā jāparokas.

            • Le Mambo.


            • Brushie


              * Shatter no longer gives a flat 10-30 armor aura, instead radiating X% of Taric's armor to allies.
              * Shatter has an armor scaling damage ratio.
              * Taric's passive changed to deal X% of his maximum mana as bonus damage.

              Taric is a generalist support pick that has a success rate far far far above his compatriots at the moment. We have a couple options on where to go with him at this point - but in general, Taric suffers from being a generalist lane bully to transitioning to a walking ball of aura statistics for his team.

              This tends to lead to Taric feeling like he does very little overall to the team - even if he is adding something like 1000 Gold to everyone's base statistics.

              Keep in mind, we're still heavily iterating the numbers on him. In the end, Taric should be a compelling pick if you are facing a heavy attack damage team and we'll adjust the aura value until he fits that mold.

              Taric's base AD reduction is mostly compensate for his passive attack damage which is still undergoing numerical tuning.

              rush ice gauntlet un manamune & rape lows


            • Le Mambo.

              Blade of ruined king nerfed. NOOOOOOOOOO!

            • zingikis

              Counter them bruiserfags @mid

            • omlete112

              Nerfed? tieši buffed

              @Le Mambo

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